Originally posted on my facebook account on June 25, 2010
This is the transcript of Ma. Jennie Mae Santos' speech that was delivered during the convocation of some 2500 New Freshmen of UPLB held last June 8, 2010.
UPLB Chancellor Luis Rey I. Velasco, Officers of the Administration, guests, faculty members, fellow freshmen, blockmates, Good Morning.
Some may argue that one cannot be both proud and humble at the same time. Surprisingly, it is with utmost pride and sincere humility that I deliver this speech today. Pride because out of the many bright new freshmen I was chosen to speak in behalf of our batch. Humility because admittedly, I have a lot of character building to do in order to be a true ISKOLAR PARA SA BAYAN.
Being a genuine ISKOLAR PARA SA BAYAN does not begin upon passing the UPCAT. It only starts when we realize that we have a lifelong obligation to our motherland. Thus, the first quality - UP Students are responsible. As a UP student, it is incumbent upon us to faithfully fulfil our responsibilities. The best way to manifest this trait is by doing well in academics. Since our matriculation fee is subsidized by the government through the people’s taxes, performing our scholastic responsibilities well should be a top priority. And so as responsible UP Students, let us all make a pledge that we will do everything that we can to graduate on time.
I am quite confident that we will keep our promise. Because UP Students say what they mean, and mean what they say. In short, UP Students are honest. As we are the next generation of leaders of our beloved country, it is imperative for us to be honest and fight for the truth even if the truth is against us. If we want a new breed of honest, loyal and faithful leaders then we need to start a culture of honesty. We need to start within ourselves.
Because we are honest, it is easy for us to follow the law. UP Students are law abiding citizens. Dura lex sed lex. The law is harsh but it is the law. As UP Students we need to uphold the law even if it entails heavy sacrifices. We can start doing so by following the simplest rule of the university, coming to class on time.
When I got accepted in UPLB, my friends who got accepted in universities in Manila teased me by saying that I will be studying in a farm full of carabaos and farmers. They are wrong. For UPLB is not a farm. UPLB is a jungle where contrasting ideologies are the predators and we are the prey. And so to survive this political jungle, we need to be objective and principled. In analyzing issues, we need to have a logical and realistic basis or premise. We must never rely on farfetched imagined speculations. Let our principles and the rules of logic guide us in taking sides and making opinions. Certainly, this is something we can handle because UP Students are intelligent.
Lastly, I would like to point out one fact – that UP is the microcosm of society. If that is the case then our life in the university is a simulation of our life in the real world. The good things that we will learn here must be retained in our system after we leave the university so we can apply it as we join the outside world and contribute to the betterment of our society. Surely, life outside will be tough. But there is nothing that a UP student can’t handle. Because UP students are survivors!
God Bless the New Freshmen of UPLB!
Thank you very much!
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