Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Young Heart’s Creed

Something that I wrote when I was 17 inside my room at Men's Dorm. As a new freshman in UP, I was at the precipice of change. I see my new environment as an ideological jungle and myself as a helpless prey. Afraid that I might lose myself or the things I felt was fundamental to my identity during that time, I came up with this creed. 

A Young Heart’s Creed

I believe that there is a God that makes every entity rhyme in perfect unison. All objects in the universe are perfectly designed to benefit and give benefit from all and for all.

I believe that there is an innate nature of goodness in the heart of every steward of the world just as their Creator is absolutely good where their blueprint is patterned.

I believe that each and every single being has the capacity to love unconditionally. Because of this ability, the world can be a better place.

I believe that bitterness is evil. Nobody needs to be cruel to a fellow soul. Everything can be treated with love. Love makes the heart grow healthier. Bitterness can kill.

I believe that discrimination in any form ruins the whole of humanity. Everybody is created equal. In terms of non material belongings, there is nothing that X possesses that Y does not. Every day we are showered with graces and blessings from above.

I believe that skin color does not preclude the idea of being beautiful. All are beautiful just as our Creator is exceedingly beautiful. Physical beauty is only skin deep. Skin wrinkles, therefore, making outside beauty vanish gradually every single day. Skin deep beauty is not as important as the beauty of the heart.

I believe that in times of sorrow, agony and pain God is nearest. In times of crisis, all we need to do is pray. I believe in the power of prayer.

I believe in miracles. An infinite number of miracles are happening every day. The rising of the sun after an episode of darkness, the continuous flow of the river, the blooming of the flowers, a baby’s laughter and tears, every single simple and complicated process that can and can not be explained by science at the moment is a miracle.

I believe that one needs to work hard in order to deserve the things that he dreams of. Although an infinite number of miracles are happening every day, nobody should depend the realization of their dreams on miracles. To experience a miracle, you must be deserving. Remember that the Lord is just and rewards accordingly.

I believe that there is an enough space in the universe for every creation. All of us can live side by side harmoniously. Wars are unnecessary. If we could only be a little considerate and articulate in expressing ourselves then maybe there’d be no bloodshed.

I believe that everybody should live to be happy. We must not let another day pass by without making just one single soul smile on us. In order to be eternally happy, we must not stop longing to be happy by making others happy. Each and every person’s ultimate goal is to die happy. Happiness is what makes the world good beyond its evil.


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