As a very young citizen, I don’t have the authority to question the wisdom of the Filipino electorate as to how they cast their votes. This election, we have seen that more than 7 million of us voted for an overthrown president who was convicted of plunder. More than 12 million of us voted for a vice presidential candidate even after his admission of infidelity. And more than 100 thousand of us voted for a disqualified candidate, even surpassing that of JC Delos Reyes’ votes. Mr. Delos Reyes may not be as popular as the frontrunners but at least he’s not disqualified.
The right to suffrage
At first, I find this unusual phenomenon of voting for a disqualified candidate as a source of humor. But then again, it is still 100 thousand wasted votes. True enough, these numbers cannot change the outcome of the elections even if these votes went to qualified candidates. But still, wasting a vote is inexcusable. Though I said that I cannot question the wisdom of the Filipino electorate, I think I can doubt the sincerity of these particular voters who shaded the oval of a disqualified candidate. Emphasis on the term disqualified. In my humble opinion, these people did not take their right to suffrage seriously.
Voter’s education
As I earlier implied, Philippine elections despite its automation is still personality based and not issue based. This is intensely manifested by the magnitude of votes received by an incarcerated plunderer who is also openly known as a womanizer, gambler and alcohol drinker even during cabinet meetings.
Another manifestation is that, an adulterous husband is just centimetres away from assuming the second highest post in the land. Again, I am not questioning the wisdom of the Filipino electorate. I am merely stating an observation. And my observation is that Morality is not an issue to Filipino voters as well as many other things. And I thought that we are a Catholic country where adultery and other illicit acts committed by those we just voted for is a sin. So let me join the bandwagon in calling for prioritizing voters’ education after the seemingly successful automation.
Election milestones
On the brighter side, remarkable advancement happened this elections. The speedy result of the election is a milestone, making the process more credible to Filipinos. Thus, leading to concessions of our candidates which is not only unusual in Philippine politics but is also a good way to start a new administration and therefore another milestone.
Public school teachers
Lastly, in this election just like every election, our public school teachers did not fail to serve us all. They are always the unsung heroes of our electoral process who not only endured the extra difficult task of accommodating voters of a clustered precinct but also risk their lives in protecting and defending our ballot against possible fraud. They are the unglorified soldiers of our democracy. Mabuhay ang mga pampublikong guro ng Pilipinas!
We as a people have already spoken. Let us now support each other in building a better nation. God Bless the Philippines!
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